Financing Your Boat Purchase

Financing Your Boat is Easy
Our experienced staff can assist you with financing your new or pre-enjoyed Defiance, Highfield, Pursuit, Regal, Rossiter, Sea Fox, or Wellcraft boat. We work together with our sister marina Moose Landing to provide the resources and expertise to handle all aspects of your transaction from assisting you with your banking paperwork to communicating with your insurance company. Our goal is to help you get on the water with ease.
We close all loans in-house, so we can process fast approvals with industry leading rates from local and national banks. And with approved credit, we have the ability to finance with no money down!
You can also choose to finance your Venture Trailer, Yamaha outboard engine, parts and accessories, extended service plan, insurance and more. You'll have everything you need, and you only have to make one monthly payment.
Get Pre-Qualified
With 700 Credit's QuickQualifier, getting prequalified is easy and convenient. No social security number or birth date required. The pre qualification platform uses a soft pull so there is no effect on your credit score. Receive a FICO score and full credit file so you can easily estimate payments and understand what you are qualified for.
Know You Want to Buy?
Let us know your needs and we can build a financing plan that best works for you. If you have questions or want more information, please contact ssnowdeal@mooselandingmarina.com or call 207-693-6264 x1114.
*With qualified credit. Some restrictions apply.